My Odyssey Journey

It started at an exercise class at the YMCA a few months after I moved to Asheville. Then we realized we were both taking yoga at the same studio. Then we realized we were neighbors in Asheville, she was the tilemaker artist yards away from my house. Diana Gillispie, an accomplished potter and a member of the Odyssey Co-op Gallery, and I developed a new friendship. Through her I learned about the gallery and the process for involvement.

The application process required an artist statement, a resume, letters of recommendaation, images and physical pieces of work. A gallery committee reviews the applications and makes decisions on admission. It’s a rigorous process and i was not selected in my first attempt in 2020. I experienced rejection, which left me disappointed and reflective. I was lucky, Diana, a knowledgeable professional, summarized the feedback from the gallery committee.

I passed on applying on the next round several months later. I needed more time to mentally prepare myself for the application process.

This was a really important experience in my journey. I listened to the feedback, made adjustments, increased my commitment, and “upped the ante”. I’m grateful to Diane, who mentored me in several areas.

I re-applied in November 2021 and was accepted. I was truly pleased to be accepted. I began showing work at the Odyssey Co-op Gallery in January 2022.


Landing at Mars (Landing)